Nutrition & food systems
Micro-nutrient and Biofortification
In alignment with the successes of HarvestPlus and GAIN, we focus on three crucial micronutrients that are most limited in the diets of the poor—vitamin A, zinc, and iron.
Our contribution is based on building nutritious, resilient, and sustainable food systems through agricultural interventions. We acknowledge that vitamins and minerals—often referred to as micronutrients— are vital to healthy development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. However, the majority of micronutrients are not produced in the body and must come from the diet. Micronutrient deficiencies are the most widespread form of malnutrition.
We provide the following services and solutions in support of the commercialization and consumption of nutritious foods:
- Mapping points of interest mainly supply and sales outlets.
- Building capacity of seed producers and aggregators to increase seed production, improve seed quality and access to farmers.
- Strengthening market linkages through extension services and local engagement to increase the supply of seeds and processed foods.
- Engaging farmers, processors, aggregators, and their cooperatives at the household and community levels to increase awareness of the benefits of producing and consuming biofortified foods and crops.
- Facilitating and influencing of high-level national and sub-national consultative events to ensure buy-in for biofortified foods for institutional and humanitarian nutrition programs.
Market Systems and Value Chain Development
Our value chain approach takes a market system perspective. At Defined Impact, we look to end markets to define opportunities and risks then co-design to address underlying constraints, not symptoms.
- Conduct innovative value chain analysis and strategy development to reveal competitiveness and constraints.
- Facilitate an understanding of value chain, markets, and market systems
- Promote linkages and relationships among market actors for sustainable impact
- Establish a system to facilitate ongoing improvement and transformative relationships within the value chain.
- Empowering the private sector and value chain actors.
Climate-Smart Agriculture
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) offers a promising pathway to sustainable intensification of agriculture and increased farm productivity, income, and resilience for smallholder farming families. Defined Impact aims to equitably increase local producers’ agricultural productivity and profitability while increasing their resilience to climate change through the adoption of resilient agricultural technologies and practices. Defined Impact collaborates with partners on CSA using behavior change communication, model family farms and sustainable extensions services.
- Increasing demand by raising awareness and demonstrating effectiveness of key technologies and practices, including improved seed, conservation agriculture practices, and water management and irrigation solutions.
- Supporting supply-side improvements, leading to increased availability, accessibility and affordability of inputs and other technologies, and improved private-sector-led advisory services.
Food Security and Humanitarian Nutrition
With focus on SDG 01 and SGD 02, our approach to food systems strengthens interlocking networks of relationships that encompass functions of producing, processing, training, marketing, consuming, and disposing of goods from agriculture. Our engagements in food systems involves all activities that are needed to produce and transform food, and ensure it reaches people. We provide technical assistance in:
· Food production: supporting smallholder farmers with access to finance to perform production activities such as land clearing and preparation, agronomy, and management, harvesting and storage.
· Food transformation: linking the first and third levels of the food system, including transport, storage and handling, processing, and wholesaling, and retailing.
· Food consumption: focusing on purchasing, utilization, reaching consumers and feeding populations.